Not Such a Jagoff During COVID-19 Shutdowns

March 23, 2020

Contact: Missy Sorg
(412) 342-8057‬

Not Such a Jagoff During COVID-19 Shutdowns
Sidekick Media Services to Assist Ya Jagoff with Live Stream Events



PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh-based multimedia company, Sidekick Media Services, announces that they will be working with Ya Jagoff to offer support for musicians and comedians during COVID-19 shutdowns.

“When the Ya Jagoff crew reached out to us, there was no question that we’d help wherever we could,” said Mike Sorg, Video and Media Director at Sidekick Media Services. “Since we work in a remote video environment, we have the resources and capabilities to patch incoming video feeds from multiple locations into one managed feed. Adapting the system to what the Ya Jagoff show needs is definitely within our wheelhouse.”

The Ya Jagoff series will present content from local comedians and musicians each week for the next month. Depending on where things are with Coronavirus shutdowns at that time, the group will reassess and potentially extend the series.

About Sidekick Media Services: Sidekick Media Services is a multimedia production company based out of the Beechview neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Founded in 2016, Sidekick Media Services produces both in-house and client podcasts, provides website and social media content for a multitude of clients, and provides video recording, editing, and streaming services for corporate and sports entertainment clients throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.


Michael Sorg